You Are Made For Greatness!

William Shakespeare, once said “Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” But I do believe we all were born great. One of the greatest lies of the world is the belief that greatness, wealth, prosperity, success, is the exclusive reserve of a few individuals, while the rest of the world would just struggle along living mediocre lives with the aim of just trying to make a living.

There are some people who strongly believe that most humans must remain poor, that we are made to be poor. But there was neither poverty nor lack in the plans of God for man when He created us. The Scriptures made us to understand that we were created to be fruitful, to multiply, to have dominion on the earth, and not to have a hard time getting a living. God didn’t intend for you to just squeeze along; to get a few comforts, to spend about all your time making a living instead of making a life. – You were made for greatness!

2 thoughts on “You Are Made For Greatness!”

  1. In making the living a life we enter our callings. It is when we settle for living outside of our created purposes that life becomes impoverished no matter how much money or worldly success we may have.


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