Be Positive, Be Happy

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Be positive. Be happy. Feel good now. It is easy to feel good when things go as you “think” they should go. The miracle happens when we feel good when things appear to be bad. The bible says, all things work together for good for them that love God. When things appear to be bad, when decisions are taken against us, when our expectations do not materialize etc, the natural tendency is for us to feel bad, but that is really when we need to rejoice knowing that though we may not know how, the situation will turn around to be a blessing in the future.

This is the way I am conditioning my life to be. Recently unexpected things have happened that should steal my joy naturally but with this new mindset of feeling good no matter the circumstance I am positive that in every adversity is a seed for my benefit. The bigger the adversity/challenge/problem the bigger the seed for an even bigger opportunity for me.

Are you going through challenges in your life? Feel good. Do not be anxious or disturbed because everything will turn around to work for your advantage. You don’t need to understand how that’s going to be possible, leave that to God because as you know all things are possible with and for God to handle. Your only responsibility is to believe that everything will be just fine in the end. Get into the zone of never complaining about how difficult your life is and instead see and feel your life as miracle waiting to happen.

Live your greatest life

6 thoughts on “Be Positive, Be Happy”

  1. Aw I love this post and that verse. Yes, whrn you lose a job but not your smile and happy spirit and you name the rest! It’s for me amazing Grace, that’s where I have been since March 30th and I bet I also live memorable experiences money can’t buy!

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  2. Vincent, I LOvE your writing and am always a better person after having read one of your posts! Thank you for reminding me there is JOY in all things with God by our side! Hugs & Blessings! ❤️


    1. Oh thank you so much for your kind touch words Dawn Marie. I really appreciate your suppport, Likes and comments. God bless you.

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  3. This is a breath of fresh air Vincent. I face many challenges but complaining does nothing. Praying and then marching forward to meet God’s miracle, now that’s where the adventure lies. I think I will do that.

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