In 2014, Remember…

In this Coming year 2014, Remember;

Four things do not come back: the spoken word, the fired bullet, the past life, and the neglected opportunity.

Time is money. We should not be stingy or mean with it, but we should not throw away an hour any more than we would throw away our money.

Waste of time means waste of energy, waste of vitality, waste of character in dissipation. It means the waste of opportunities which will never come back. Beware how you kill time, for all your future lives in it.

“If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

“The greatest thing you can do is to be what you ought to be.” – ANON.

The way to get the most out of ourselves, or out of life, is give to ourselves, not stingily, meanly, but magnanimously, to others. “If the rosebud should try to retain all of its sweetness and beauty locked within its petals and refuse to give it out, it would be lost. It is only by flinging them out to the world that their fullest development is possible.”

If you try to keep your education, your talents and abilities to yourself, you end up strangling and inhibiting them and thereby impoverish your own life.

Live your greatest lives!

“Find a Way”

Two-Minute Tune-Up

This is the mantra of Diana Nyad, the only swimmer ever to have made the 100-mile swim from Cuba to Florida. A 64-year-old woman.

This is what she says to us about today…

“Every day of your life is epic. Find a way. You are never too old to reach your dream. Never, ever give up.”

Coming to the end of another year of our lives, these words could make a difference.

Diana Nyad

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Finish Off Well

As we draw the curtain over 2013,and “press towards the mark” (2014), ponder on these words of wisdom from Balthasar Gracia, and strive to end this year well and alive;

You ought therefore to think of the finish, and attach more importance to a graceful exit than to applause on entrance. ’Tis the common lot of the unlucky to have a very fortunate outset and a very tragic end. The important point is not the vulgar applause on entrance–that comes to nearly all–but the general feeling at exit.

Two things bring life speedily to an end: folly and immorality. Some lose their life because they have not the intelligence to keep it, others because they have not the will. Just as virtue is its own reward, so is vice its own punishment. He who lives a fast life runs through life in a double sense. A virtuous life never dies. The firmness of the soul is communicated to the body, and a good life is long not only in intention but also in extension.You lose nothing if you gain your end. A good end gilds everything.

Make Christmas A Habit

The idea of Christmas is centred on personal sacrifice. The giving of oneself without the expectation of anything in return. Giving without expecting anything in return is an act of humility. As you give this Christmas, how do you feel when your gifts are not reciprocated? Do you also expect others to give back to you?

The bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He [a]takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving].”

If we all practice Christmas as a habit, the world would be lovelier. As John Carver III wrote; “what if we, as a society practiced Christmas all year? Here is what I think it would look like;

People would care more about giving of the time, talents and treasures (money) than receiving the same.

People would look for ways to share instead of bargain.

People would go out of their way to do MORE than is expected.

People would not give to get…they would just give to give.

Young people would GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to share in the responsibilities around their homes.

People would respect the elderly because of all their accumulated wisdom.There is a hidden benefit to GIVING. YOU WILL RECEIVE in ways you cannot imagine. Don’t give to get but when you develop the habit of giving you open up your mind and emotions to realize blessings in your life that you cannot imagine!”

Strength In Self-control

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty: and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. – PROVERBS 16:32

The strong man is the one who ever keeps himself under strict discipline, who makes his passions his servants and never allows them to be his master; who is ever led by his mind and not by his tendencies.

He drills and disciplines his desires, and never allows them to interfere with his character.

He is never the slave of his dispositions, nor the sport of impulse.

He is the commander of himself.

He is never the slave of his strongest desire.

He understands that he who would command others must first learn to obey, and he who would command his own powers must learn to be submissive to the still small voice within.

He disciplines the passions, curb pride and impatience.

He denies himself the gratification of any desire not sanctioned by reason.

“He who, with strong passions, remains chaste; he who, keenly sensitive, with manly power of indignation in him, can be provoked, and yet restrain himself and forgive—these are strong men, the spiritual heroes.” Unknown

Folks, let us all try to cultivate this one great virtue, “self-control.” “There is nothing so important in life as a thoroughly trained and cultivated will; everything depends upon it. If one has it, he will succeed; if one does not have it, he will fail.”- Orison S. Marden.

Be Strong!

Get Rid Of Doubts

There is something wrong when the children of the King of kings go about like sheep hounded by a pack of wolves.
There is something wrong when those who have inherited infinite supply are worrying about their daily bread; are dogged by fear and anxiety so that they cannot have any peace; that their lives are battling with want; that they are always anxious.
There is something wrong when we are so worried and absorbed in making a living that we cannot make a life.

We were made for happiness, to express joy and gladness, to be prosperous. The trouble with us is that we do not trust God to supply our needs. We keep our minds and our faith in ourselves so small, so narrow, that we strangle the inflow of supply. “Abundance follows a law as strict as that of mathematics. If we obey it, we get the flow; if we strangle it, we cut it off.” The problem is not in the supply; there is abundance awaiting everyone on earth. God did not put vast multitudes of people on this earth to scramble for a limited supply, as though He were unable to provide enough for all. There is nothing in this world which men desire and struggle for, and that is good for them, of which there is not enough for everybody.

If you would attract good fortune you must get rid of doubt. You must have faith. No man can make a fortune while he is convinced that he can’t. The “I can’t” philosophy has destroyed many dreams and destinies. Confidence is the magic key that unlocks the door of supply. If you desire success, you must think success, you must think upward. You must think progressively, creatively, constructively, inventively, and, above all, optimistically.

“You will go in the direction in which you face. If you look towards poverty, towards lack, you will go that way. If, on the other hand, you turn squarely around and refuse to have anything to do with poverty,–to think it,–live it, or recognize it–you will then begin to make progress towards the goal of plenty.”



“We are so prepared to surrender, to give up our own power. We have no idea how powerful we are. No sense of it. We’re endowed with an incredible mind, incredible potential, incredible strength, incredible determination. And we’re ready to give it up. There’s no other animal on the face of the earth that seems so willing to give up. Other animals will scuffle until they take care of the barrier or they’re crushed in the attempt.

“It’s that kind of determination that we need to settle the most difficult things we carry around with us. It’s no small thing, the things that we deal with–our demons, our barriers, our hesitancies, our fears, and our anger. Nobody is going to do it for us; nobody is capable of doing it for us. We must, of necessity, accomplish the barriers ourselves. When you really push “I can’t let go” to the…

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