Be Somebody!

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It was said of Abraham Lincoln that when his mother was about to die, and he was by her sick bed she said to him “Be somebody Abe” and Abraham Lincoln took those words to heart. Little wonder he strived all his life and never gave up in spite of the number of times he tried and failed until he became somebody.

Many of us today need to be told those same words because we have settled into being “nobodies”. Or in the words of Zig Ziglar we have become wondering generalities. God created you to make impact, to become somebody in this world. He never intended anyone to be and die in mediocrity. It is time for us to do an inner inspection of our gifts, talents, skills, abilities given to us by God that we have allowed to become dormant.

Take a look at your life are you living at your best? Is the person you are right now, the best you could have been given the amount of investment made on you by God? Are the results you are producing now the best you could have produced given your talents and creativity? Continue reading Be Somebody!

Enough of Just Hoping

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Life is a challenge, a struggle, a push, to be the best you can be, to make the most of your life. But in that struggle, push, or challenge is the value of life. Those who don’t push, don’t succeed. Those who sit by and whine and complain always remain that way.

A lot of us are hoping and wishing for a good life. We believe God is going to take care of our future for us, that everything is going to turn out just fine in the end. Sure I believe in miracles and I know that God has good plans for us. But those plans won’t come to pass without us playing our own roles.

You can’t sit around and expect things to work out without you doing anything. Stop hoping without taking action. Stop wishing without doing. Let me tell you the truth, your life isn’t going to change, if anything it is going to change for worse if you don’t get up and start acting on it. Continue reading Enough of Just Hoping

Rise Above Your Setbacks

6076393459_f7433bf0db_bMany people look at me now and think I have always had an easy life. Some folks from the same poor community I am from think maybe I never knew suffering. But the reality is I have seen much more suffering that many people ever imagine. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon or with any spoon at all. The story of my life begins at my birth in a yam barn – imagine that!

As a kid I have been shoeless and shirtless like many village kids. Of course I have tasted the good life also growing up, but the part of my life that is laced with struggles and sufferings are more than that section that was filled with the good.

Stop giving in to your circumstances. Your challenges and circumstances don’t define you, it is how you choose to react or respond to them that determines where you end up in life. I attended village schools, I experienced delays in finishing both my secondary and university education, but I never let those delays held me back.
Continue reading Rise Above Your Setbacks

Don’t Let Life Break You

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A friend shared a story about the oak tree and the wind with me recently, and it has so many life lessons we all can learn from so I have decided to share with you also; A mighty wind blew night and day. It stole the oak tree’s leaves away. Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark, until the oak was tired and stark. But still the oak tree held its ground, while other trees fell all around. The weary wind gave up and spoke, “How can you still be standing, Mister Oak?” The oak tree said, “I know that you can break each branch of mine in two, carry every leaf away, shake my limbs, and make me sway. But I have roots stretched in the earth, growing stronger and stronger since my birth. You’ll never touch them, for you see, they are the very deepest part of me. Until today, I was not sure, of just how much I could endure. But now I’ve found, with thanks to you, I’m so much stronger than I ever knew!” Continue reading Don’t Let Life Break You

Watch Your Confessions

Most times when I meet people, 8 out of the ten sentences they make are complains about life; about not having what they want. They complain about having bills, not having the car or house of their dreams. Not having enough money, they complain about the society, the negative influences, their children, the weather etc.

Folks the more we talk about these things they more they increase in our lives. Some of us are making the laws of God work against us instead of working for us. The scripture says, “Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened to you, seek and you shall find.” What have you been seeking? Problems, sicknesses, poverty, lack of opportunities? Yes you seek for these things when you talk more about them. Remember what you focus on will expand. Continue reading Watch Your Confessions

Do Unto Others What You Want Them to DO to YOu

One scriptural verse many people are familiar with and often refer to is “In everything do unto others what you want them to do to you…” I also hear this among non Christians. Unfortunately most of us limit the meaning of this powerful law to just “doing”, and actions. Has it cross your mind that this powerful law also refers to your thoughts and wishes concerning others?

We are to not only do unto others, but to think about others, wish for others what you want them to do to you, think about you and wish for you. If we practice this law we will find more love and harmony among people; there will be less bickering, hate, jealousy and envy as all you will be having for others are thoughts, wishes and actions of love and you will get same in return too. Continue reading Do Unto Others What You Want Them to DO to YOu

Be Positive, Be Happy

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Be positive. Be happy. Feel good now. It is easy to feel good when things go as you “think” they should go. The miracle happens when we feel good when things appear to be bad. The bible says, all things work together for good for them that love God. When things appear to be bad, when decisions are taken against us, when our expectations do not materialize etc, the natural tendency is for us to feel bad, but that is really when we need to rejoice knowing that though we may not know how, the situation will turn around to be a blessing in the future.

This is the way I am conditioning my life to be. Recently unexpected things have happened that should steal my joy naturally but with this new mindset of feeling good no matter the circumstance I am positive that in every adversity is a seed for my benefit. The bigger the adversity/challenge/problem the bigger the seed for an even bigger opportunity for me. Continue reading Be Positive, Be Happy

So Much Wastages

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There was a time when kids wanted to become Engineers, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Pilots etc because of the needs and services those professionals render. Today almost every Nigerian kid and youth wants to be a politician to either run for office or take up an appointment. Not even the oil companies and other high paying professions are an attraction anymore.

Every day I see a lot of talented young people wasting their lives and gifts in the name of becoming a politician, becoming a follower of someone who doesn’t have the kind of talents and gifts these young folks have. The reasons we give for wasting our lives are simply excuses.

Some people believe incorrectly that to be great in life one must hold a political office or do something that has a direct profound impact on the history of the world. But I think this isn’t true because there are many great people out there who are unknown to most of the world. You have the ability to be great in your sphere of influence but you have to have perseverance, you have to study (read books, listen to audios and attend trainings) and have eternal desire because you become what you think about most of the time. Continue reading So Much Wastages

When Life Pushes You, Push Back

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These past weeks life has been pushing me hard in different fronts. Having just relocated to a new city and finding that even though there are so many opportunities here, one still needs to fight even harder before I can breakthrough.

Everyday life seems to be making it harder for me to breakthrough but I am determined to fight back and make it even more difficult for it to break me either. In the past I would have given in and allowed myself to be pushed around, but not anymore. Today when life shows up and say “You can’t make it here” I reply “I can”; “You don’t have any contacts in the city” I reply “I have God with me.”; “You can never do it” I reply “Yes I can.”

Friends, is life pushing you too? You can resolve to push back and never let life, in the form of anybody or anything push you without pushing back because what you permit will grow bigger. Remember you are somebody. What someone else has done or achieved before you can do it too. You can succeed. You can conquer.