Be Happy Now!

Naturally when things are good with us; our businesses are yielding profits; our health is great; our relationships are good; everything around seem to be doing exceedingly well, most of us tend to be in our best moods; we give more; we love more; we laugh more; we worship God more and so on.

The moments things start to slide; when we experience losses in our business; when our relationships are experiencing some challenges; and everything that seemed good start turning a bit bad, our moods turn alongside them. Some of us won’t worship God anymore, we don’t laugh anymore we find faults easily and push our friends away.

Unfortunately this kind of habit is what has been holding us back and hindering our blessings. All truly great people know that to continue to get the blessings and get the most from life, one has to live in a constant state of gratitude and happiness in spite of what is happening around us.

Friends every life experiences challenges and the down side once in a while, some people experience misfortune more than once, but the key to rising victoriously from our setbacks is to practice and make a habit of these words from Habakkuk: Continue reading Be Happy Now!

You’ve Been Equipped For The Journey

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Some of us have wonderful dreams, goals and ideas. And in our plans and calculations, we know that those goals, dreams or ideas have enormous potentials in them yet we fail to take action. Some of us think we are too young to act on those dreams; some of us are looking at the people or organizations who are already doing things similar to what we intend to do, and we become intimidated by their size, reach or presence.

For some, maybe it’s a relationship, and we are scared that we aren’t attractive enough, or good enough for the people we love. Whatever it is you desire but you are too afraid or in doubt to take action, what if you knew you couldn’t fail, will you still be afraid to act? I guess not!

The truth is, you have been adequately equipped by God for that project, dream or goal. His words tells us that look before you were formed in the womb, God already knew you and had planned for you. He had taken the time to put everything inside you that you will ever need to fulfil your destiny. The only problem is you haven’t taken the time to discover yourself. Continue reading You’ve Been Equipped For The Journey

Don’t Let Your Eyes Limit Your Vision

“Most people take the limits of their vision to be the limits of the world.” Are you among those people? How do you regard your future and the world? Do you let your past, fears, limitations and challenges determine how you plan for your future.

No matter what or where you’ve been, and how you are now, you can still be great. Your future is colourful and bright, all you need do is start changing the way you view the world. There is so much more to be achieved, the world is filled with possibilities. We just don’t see it, because we have been view the world with limited vision.

Do you want to experience a better future? Change your thinking. It’s been said and it is true, that your thinking creates your reality. All the people who are doing great things today, have been big thinkers, as our lives reflect the size of our thinking. Don’t let your circumstances determine what you think and dream about your life. Even God says all things are possible to the person that believes, irrespective of where they were born, which school they attended, how much money they have. Continue reading Don’t Let Your Eyes Limit Your Vision

Let’s Rejoice Today!

One of the greatest kings in history shared his secret of having a successful day when he wrote, “This is the day that the LORD has made; let’s rejoice and be glad in it. He deliberately finds reasons to be happy no matter what happens during the day.”

Friends we need to recognize that each day is a gift from God, and while the day maybe rough, full of challenges, disappointments, setbacks and pains, we must learn to never allow the pains, challenges and disappointments we encounter to poison our attitude towards life.

No one ever wins or succeed when they are gloomy, filled with sadness, and self-pity. The look on your face determines the people that come to your life. People run away from angry and sad looking people. No matter what you are facing, learn to wear a face of happiness, sunshine, and joy, you will be surprised at how many people you will attract to your life, and eventually change your situation, because in this life no one succeeds on their own. You need people to succeed. Continue reading Let’s Rejoice Today!

St. Paul’s Keys to Happiness

Many of us are looking for the key to happiness, health, and success. But we often miss it because sometimes the books we read make it sound like it’s such a difficult process to be happy in life. And especially when we look around, and see that almost everyone we know is struggling, and only a few people seem to have a magic key that unlocks their desires to them.

Well you are not alone in this quest. Several years back, a group of people felt the way you are feeling and now, and met a sage for the secrets to happiness and general success in life, and like you they thought it was going to be some very difficult task. But surprisingly, the wise man told them these simple words;

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”

Folks if we learn this habit of always thinking and talking about only the good and positive things in our lives, we attract more of those things to our lives. Think about it, 99% of the time many of us are always talking about our problems; how we don’t have money; how we are sick; how life has been difficult; how our partner/spouse is misbehaving and so on, and the more of this we talk about, the more we experience the challenges and difficulties. Continue reading St. Paul’s Keys to Happiness

Stand Up and Live

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The reason why many of us are stuck in slow growth is we don’t have the courage to follow our dreams. A lot of folks, even though they claim to be independent and think their thoughts are actually walking robots. You are waiting for your Dad, or mum, or Uncle to decide what you should become in life.

I meet people who tell me they don’t want to offend their folks by going after their dreams. Some think they don’t know what’s good for them, so they live their lives; take up careers; enter relationships based on the recommendations and validation of other people.

Unfortunately I haven’t read, seen, or heard about anyone who made an impact, lived happily and at peace with himself by doing and being the person designed by others. Even Christ Himself proved this to others when He told His Mother (Mary) who was looking for Him, “I must go about the business of my Heavenly Father.”

Greatness is knowing your purpose, pursuing it stubbornly and aggressively. Some of you follow the trends of circumstances in the society instead of trending yourself.  Folks, “He who relies on circumstances to bring him what he desires, will only receive from circumstances the things he doesn’t desire.”

Stopping living your life waiting for some sudden wind of good luck to blow good opportunities for you…you will wait all your life and nothing tangible may show up. To get anything worthwhile from life, you must go after, keep chasing until you hunt them down. Remember the people who eat real food are those who sit on the table. If you hide under the table you will be getting the crumbs if any fall of from the plate of the eaters. Continue reading Stand Up and Live

What’s Your Idea of Happiness?

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The essence of life is to be happy, and everyone desires happiness but we seek for it and experience it in different ways. Some are happiest when they are noisiest; some think they are happiest when they are drunk, while others foolishly take drugs to reach their dizzy heights of joy which end in destroying their health! Some are happiest at their work, others at their play, while some discontented folks are never quite happy except in their dreams.

As you go about seeking for happiness your way, consider these contrasting opinions: The world’s view on happiness vs Christ’s view on happiness. Which way are you going to follow?:

The World Says,

Happy are the proud and the rich.

Happy are they who never know sorrow.

Happy are the ambitious pushers.

Happy are they who are not bothered by a conscience.

Happy are the absolute tyrants. Continue reading What’s Your Idea of Happiness?

When Hard Work isn’t Enough

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Every day, we hear or read from some of the world’s leading thinkers, teachers, philosophers, spiritualists, Psychologists, Coaches, and influencers tell us about our potentials, about the greatness in us; about the gifts of God deposited in our minds, with only a fraction of it being used. Many of us believe and know these truths.

Yet we are letting discouragement, worry and fear grip us and ruin our lives and relationships when we could be happy. We let ourselves get old when we could stay young and attractive. We are doing all kinds of things to our bodies to make us ill when could be strong and healthy.

We are timid and self-conscious when we could be radiant and brimming with self-confidence. We remain failures financially and otherwise when we could be hugely successful. Continue reading When Hard Work isn’t Enough

Who Should We Listen to?

Who should we listen to? Many of us are always looking for information and advice about our life challenges, but unfortunately we meet the wrong people for this information, and sometimes we end up worsening our situation after applying the techniques and principles we were offered.

I have seen many relationships destroyed, I have seen businesses go under, I have seen people lost jobs, I have seen people miss their purpose just by listening to the wrong people. I believe someone reading this can relate with this; if you’ve gone for counselling or attended a coaching course and still have your issues unresolved despite the amount of money you paid. – It doesn’t mean that the people aren’t qualified, but simply they are not for you.

So who then do we listen to? The best person to listen to, or talk to, or learn from concerning your situation or dreams and goals, is the person who has been where you are and who has what you desire. If you are struggling, going through challenges and poverty, but desire to be successful, you just can’t go and learn from someone who was born into wealth, someone who hasn’t known what it is like to always live on the edge, because they obviously haven’t experienced what you are going through and can’t teach you anything about rising from your position. Continue reading Who Should We Listen to?