Allowing God Isn’t Weakness

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It is always natural for us to hold on to our grieves, our troubles, our convictions and so on, wanting to deal with them ourselves, instead of giving them up to God and allowing him stir our lives in the direction he deems right and perfect for us.

The fact is, when we are willing to give up our frightened and uncertain sense of things and let the God govern and direct us, then we discover that “all things work together for the good of them that love God.”

When we are willing to relinquish our present views, even though we may believe we are right and others are wrong, we will find that God is ready and active to adjust everything in our favour.

It may sometimes seem hard when we feel that we are oppressed or imposed upon, to stop resisting, but if we have strong faith in the ability of God to adjust all things to our good, we should be glad of the opportunity to relinquish our claims and place our trust in the power of God to adjust all things to our good according to His word.

Perhaps you may have been wrongfully treated and you think it is right for you react and not let go and let God, yet after reading this, you are thinking; what then are we to do when we find ourselves involved in a controversy, in a dispute, or in an unpleasant situation of any kind? What are we to do when we have been attacked and maligned, misrepresented or abused? Should we not return in kind what has been done to us?

It is my belief that it will not avail us any good if we fight back when we are being mistreated. We simply show our human weakness when we take the matter into our own hands and attempt either to punish our enemies or to extricate ourselves through any virtue of our own.

In the Sermon on the Mount, that wonderful message which he left for the guidance of all humanity, Jesus said, “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”  In other words, is it not better to be smitten twice than to fight back? He further adds, “If any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.” Even if we are unjustly deprived of what rightfully belongs to us, is it not better to suffer a second invasion than to fight back?

Daily Wisdom: Today Determines What Tomorrow Becomes

Part of today belongs to tomorrow, as the seed belongs to the shoot, as the foundation belongs to the building. So today owes its best to tomorrow, if you fail to do right today you may ruin tomorrow. But the reverse is not true.

Tomorrow cannot ruin today. Time’s wheel does not run backward. Banish, then, every thought or tendency to procrastinate, and fill today with faithful work, with kindness and courage and hope; and so you will keep tomorrow from being a bad one, and make it a good, honest today when it comes.

Live your greatest life!

How To Tell Whether Your Decision IS Right Or Wrong

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Every day in life, we have to make choices, from what to eat, what to wear, where to go, what movie to watch and so on. But sometimes, the choices we have to make are not as easy or as simple as choosing the flavour of ice cream to have, or where to have lunch.

Someone had sent me an email after watching my video where I talked on this subject matter, and on the email she asked; “When there seem to be two ways of working out a problem in business or in any of the various walks of life, and we decide on a way which seems best, how can we tell, when there are so many arguments against that way, whether the decision is right or wrong?”

And here was my response to that email:

There are times when human wisdom is inadequate to tell us just what is the right thing to be done. Under such circumstances there is nothing for us to do but to choose that which seems to agree with our highest sense of right, knowing that God’s word regulate and governs all things; and even if we choose the wrong way, we as Christians know through God’s word and His Spirit in us, that God will not all us to continue in a mistake, but will show us the right way and compel us to walk therein. Continue reading How To Tell Whether Your Decision IS Right Or Wrong

Daily Wisdom: Today Is An Opportunity

Opportunities do not come with their values stamped upon them. Everyone must be challenged. Today comes to you just like the other days; in it is a single hour, like this one you are in now, it looks no different from the hours you have spent; but in this day and in this hour the chance of a lifetime faces you.

To face every opportunity of life thoughtfully and ask its meaning bravely and earnestly, is the only way to meet the supreme opportunities when they come, whether open faced or disguised.

Live your greatest life!

21 Thoughts to Guide Your Daily Walk With God

Many of us Christians are constantly searing for inspiration, principles and thoughts to help us live better, work better and relate better with others. Here are a few inspirational thoughts to help us in our daily walk.

These thoughts are not entirely mine, but gotten from the speeches and letters of Christian men and women who have lived their talk.

  1. God has promised to satisfy—but He did not promise when. God has time enough, and so have you. God has boundless resources, and His resources are yours. Can you not trust him? Trust and wait. He knows what is best for you. He has reasons for denying you now, but in the end He will satisfy.
  2. Life is what we are alive to. It is not length, but breadth. To be alive only to appetite, pleasure, pride, money-making, and not to goodness and kindness, purity and love, history, poetry, music, flowers, stars, God and eternal hopes, it is to be all but dead.
  3. There is no better way to show our trust than to busy ourselves with the things He asks us to do. Trusting Him to take care of his share leaves us, “at leisure from ourselves ” to do our share of the ” Father’s business.”
  4. Do not let the good things of life rob you of the best things.
  5. Mystery is God’s allurement along the path of knowledge; it is his challenge to a human soul.
  6. Decide what it is your duty to do, do it, and never regret anything that comes in its train.
  7. “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small,”—too small to be worth talking about, for the day of adversity is its first real opportunity.
  8. “Try it any way ” is a good motto. There is a chance that you might succeed. Even if you do not, you will be no worse off than before. Faint-hearted refusal is the worst kind of failure.
  9. No lot in life is small enough to stunt a soul. Lowly circumstances are no bar to high thoughts.
  10. Take care that your profession does not outrun your possession. Artificiality and hypocrisy tear character to shreds eventually.
  11. If you do fall, if you are overcome, He is faithful and just to forgive, and to cleanse every day from all unrighteousness.
  12. The man who never makes any mistakes never makes anything. Many chips, broken instruments, cuts and bruises, belong to the history of any beautiful statue. Persist in spite of everything.
  13. Prayer is a breath of fresh air—much else, of course, but certainly this. It is inspiration on a hill-top for new toiling on the plain.
  14. When I want to speak let me think first, Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If not, let it be left unsaid.
  15. How can we redeem society if we do not everywhere put ourselves on the constructive side of moral questions? If all people did as we do in politics, amusements, temperance, Sabbath observance, would the day be won for God or lost?
  16. Look out for choices. They run into habit, character, and destiny.
  17. We are like children learning to walk. We fall again and again. Sometimes we cry out; sometimes we look up and try to smile; but we do get up again and try to go on.
  18. Size is not strength. Reputation is not character. Outward success is not God’s gauge.
  19. God holds you responsible for your nature plus your nurture, for yourself plus your possibilities.
  20. What have you done today that nobody but a Christian would do?
  21. Live with the light of God’s love shining into your common day. Take old gifts and joys continued as though they were fresh gifts. So we can sing a new song unto the Lord every day.

I hope these thoughts inspire you to live right and apply God’s principles in all you do. if you are interested in learning more about how to apply Biblical principles in your business/career, or if you are faced with difficulty or adversity, and will like to discover hot to overcome them to achieve success in any area of your life. Feel free to contact me or connect with me on Facebook. I will be glad to help you live your greatest life…God’s way.

Live your greatest life!



God Has Already Made a Way Out For You!

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” –  1 Corinthians 10: 13

I want you to think about the above passage of scriptures. You see sometimes we find ourselves in situations that get so overwhelming tough, that we cry out, “I just can’t take this anymore”, “I am not sure I will survive this” and so on. I find myself in such situations too – life is tough sometimes.

But one thing I notice, is after crying out, somehow I get to live another day, I get to survive the crisis, or the difficulty and finding myself on the other side, or surviving yet another day, I sometimes get to ask myself, how did I get here?

Today I found the answers in the scripture above. I don’t know what you are going through reading this, but I want you to have faith that nothing you are going through is uniquely yours, someone somewhere is going through the same situation, or has gone through the same situation and survived it.

And if others have experienced it and come out of it, it then means that no matter how tough it gets with you, you too will have that testimony of overcoming your tough time. Not because you can, on your own, but just because God’s word has made us to understand that, God will give us the strength and courage to endure, but not only that, he will provide a way of escape. Continue reading God Has Already Made a Way Out For You!

How to Move Away From Mediocrity

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I had an interaction with someone recently, and when I asked him why he had to indulge in some of the things he was into, he responded that he was enjoying his youth now that he is still long because that phase won’t last long.

Thinking about what he said, I realized just how many people, both young and old have this view – wasting their lives and term it “enjoyment” or “pleasure” or “flexing.” The truth is if you live right and constantly improve yourself, you will enjoy life every day as long as you live.

That people, especially young people should waste their time on cheap and senseless pleasure, and that old people should live a dejected and uninteresting life is an idea that doesn’t belong in this age of information and technology advancement.

Strive to use your time well while you are young and you will stay young, and better more, you will become something and someone of impact in our world. The question you should ask is not whether you shouldn’t enjoy yourself, rather ask yourself whether it is okay to remain in mediocrity, with nothing but common pleasures, when it is possible for you to live your greatest life and have the best of what your world can offer. Continue reading How to Move Away From Mediocrity

4 Practical Strategies to Succeed Despite The Circumstances

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Times are hard. Almost every country globally is experiencing one form of economic challenge or the other. If you are going through some tough moments, yet you really want to achieve success, here are 4 practical strategies you can use to achieve success in your business/work:

1. Have something to give to the world that is worth giving, that the world wants:

Your success depends not just on your efforts and hard work, but on how people appreciate those efforts. Because no matter how good your work/products/service may be, if it isn’t appreciated your results will be limited. You will be wasting so much time and energy only to benefit no one, not even yourself.

In order to be appreciated, your goal must be to not give the kind of service/products/work you think the world should want, but to give that which you are convinced they want. Remember by seeking to please others with your services, you in turn please yourself. Make what you give so valuable that people will want to buy/pay for your services/products without much effort and persuasion from you.

2. Be determined to serve the world better in your niche than it was ever served before:
Whatever it is you do, know that it can always be done better, and know that that better can be done by you.

The fact that others have failed, or others are not succeeding shouldn’t influence your mind or your conduct negatively. We are not held bound by the shortcomings or failure of others. Continue reading 4 Practical Strategies to Succeed Despite The Circumstances

How to Have a Great Life Despite Your Setbacks

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Do you find yourself in a situation where you are asking God why me?

Maybe you have lost your job, lost your marriage, desperately in need of cash, badly hurt from a failed relationship, your health is failing, or you seem to be going from one adversity to the other with no hope of a breakthrough.

Is that the case with you? Then it is you I am writing this message for.

You see in life adversity, setbacks, challenges, negative situations, can occur, and they do occur to everyone often without any advance warning, despite your preparation, careful planning, your faith and closeness to God.

If you are in that position, the question you will be asking is how do I come out of this situation? What do I do to get my life back on track? Can I still find love, get rich, become happy, get a job, rebuild my business, get my family back, regain my health…in spite of all what I have gone/going through? Continue reading How to Have a Great Life Despite Your Setbacks