Category Archives: Motivation

Still Contemplating Going After Your Goals? Here is What You Need to Start

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So many businesses, dreams, aspirations that could have changed the world have not seen the light of the day due to a lack of courage. Every waking day sends people into obscurity who could have been famous had they had the courage to put some efforts on their dreams and goals.

Folks to do anything meaningful in this world, you must not stand back, and muse about the things that can go wrong in your ideas, or wait for the perfect chances of big opportunities before you venture out. The Bible says, that “Whoever keeps staring at the wind won’t sow; whoever daydreams won’t reap.”

Too many folks today spend so much time calculating and consulting with others until one day they find that they have lost all the time available. While it is good to think things through, it is dangerous to over think. For some others, the reason their dreams and goals are not being realized is that they are looking for the validation of others before they pursue those dreams and goals. Continue reading Still Contemplating Going After Your Goals? Here is What You Need to Start

Quit Waiting and Take Action – Video

A verse of scripture says, “Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.”

yet too many people with dreams and goals are waiting for the right moment, the right opportunities, the right and perfect partner, and everything to just line up for them.

Do you find yourself in this category – where you are shifting, and postponing the pursuit of your dreams to some future date when everything will have be perfect.

Hey its time to wake up! There will never be a perfect time to go after your dreams and goals. Watch this video and find the motivation to get up and start taking the right actions to actualize your dreams.

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No Ordinary Days: How to Make Your Days Count

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Most people complain that their everyday life isn’t interesting. Nothing special happens to them except on some special occasions where they have something to celebrate or mark. Their days are just so-so they claim.

Yet these individuals forget that life is measured and tested in the “everyday life”. Anybody can do well on special occasions. Anybody can do good on Sundays. Any person can be nice and sweet in the midst of gentle influences. Anybody can perform acts of heroism once or twice in their lifetime.

And all these is good, but you must realize that what you do with the ordinary days is the real measure of your life’s character and value. You cannot neglect your ordinary days and expect to have a great year. Often people say “I have had a bad year”, “I haven’t achieved anything worthwhile this year” etc, without realizing that it is 365 days that make a year, and when you don’t take care of those days, you will miss out of the year.

Nearly all the world’s best work is done in the ordinary days, the every days. Too many people have missed of their opportunities because they neglected the common tasks and assignment before them, while looking for big ones that will come on special days. Continue reading No Ordinary Days: How to Make Your Days Count

Daily Wisdom: Seize the Moments


Oh how we waste golden moments daily, and yet we claim we don’t have enough time to pursue our dreams. Most of us are familiar with the phrase; if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I hear it used every time, in fact it is shared as tweets and posts on facebook too even by those whose life is going nowhere.

Take a look around you and you will crowds of people, restless, uncertain and wandering through life. You will find men and women, boys and girls drifting hour by hour, aiming at nothing and going nowhere.

As for you, be well advised and make sure you fill your life with a definite purpose. Know where you are going and what you wish to accomplish and what means you intend to go about accomplishing that purpose. Make use of the valuable moments that the majority of the unthinking people in our world are throwing away.

Realize how well spent minutes multiply into hours of productive efforts. You have all the time there is, and now is the best time to do the best that is in you.

Podcast Episode 7: Don’t Give in

For every dream or goal realised, several have been stolen or killed by the doubts and negative opinions of others around us.

When going after your dreams and goals, you will sometimes be faced with stiff opposition and lack of support from people who don’t understand the reason behind your passion and decisions, and this could even come from members of your close circle like family and friends.

So many people give in to the pressures at this point and let their dreams die. They lack the courage to follow through, but the few who ever did despite the lack of support have been the ones who have changed the world we live in today.

Your dreams matter. Your goals are valid. And through this audio, I just want you to know that. By listening, you will find the inspiration and courage to face and surmount any opposition that may arise along the way in the pursuit of your dreams.

I encourage you to listen, not just once, but over and again until the message sinks in and help you build the much needed wall against the dream stealers and naysayers.

Daily Wisdom

We are greatly influenced whether we like it or not by those closest to us. They affect our ways of thinking, our self esteem, and the decisions we make in life. Really take a look at your relationships, the people you are involved with, the people you communicate with most of the time and ask yourself, what am I becoming because of this relationship? Does it inspire me? Am I motivated? Am I encouraged and driven to develop myself? Am I seeking my own greatness? What kind of person am I becoming because of these relationships? Am I becoming more cynical and negative about life?

Make the choice today about who you want to continue spending your time with. If you want to be successful, mix with people who have achieved higher success than you dream of. Make friends with people who are more knowledgeable than you, people who can help you develop in areas where you are lacking. Associate only with those whose minds are worth measuring your own against.

Daily Wisdom

“And the LORD said to Moses, “See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh…” – Exodus 7:1

Never accept the negativity others may spill on you because if you do, then you give them victory and power over your life and you invariably become a victim in life. You should only accept the limits placed on you by God, and that limit is a life of abundance. “You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world.” You are meant to do great things.

Why are You Alive?

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There is nothing more sad and sickening that to see a person who nurses a dream, an ambition, always wishing and hoping, but never doing anything about it. He nurses the flickering dream, but never lets it break out into flame.

Some of you are that way. You talk and think about having a second income, or owning your own business, or pursuing your dreams.

Or maybe you have private dreams in other areas: you want to go back to school to pursue another degree; you have a small business and you are thinking about expanding; you want to travel abroad; you want to start a career of becoming a speaker or writing a book.

I could go on and on with this list. Too many of you dream but you never dare say I can and I will put my dreams out there by taking action no matter how small the efforts may be, because you are afraid to fail. Continue reading Why are You Alive?

Stop Sitting on The Edge

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One day two butterflies were on the edge of a flower, discussing. One said, “We cannot know whether there is any honey in the flower; no butterfly ever found honey, and no butterfly ever will.” The other said, “Well, nevertheless, I think there might be some.” And while they argued back and forth, a humming-bird flew in and ran its long beak into the flower, and sipped the sweetness they flew away.

Most of us are like these two butterflies, we sit by, discussing, arguing, planning, and praying but we never dare take action. And while we contemplate and plan, someone else rushes in and takes the opportunities from under us and become successful.

There is a saying that “fools rush in where Angels fear thread.” While this statement may be true for people who act without plans, the world we live in today has been made better because some people acted where others were too scared and sceptical to take action. Do you have a dream, vision or goal? Enough of all the talk about your intentions step out today and act on them and you will see that circumstances, events and people will come your way to help you succeed. Continue reading Stop Sitting on The Edge