Daily Wisdom

Do not carry the past with you like a prisoner in chains. So many people go about with their past this way and as a result they are forever stuck and unable to make any progress in life. Every new day, God prepares abundant blessings and opportunities for us, and holding to your past mistakes and failures will prevent you from experiencing these gifts that come with the new day.

According to Micah in the bible, God buries our sins (past) in the depths of the seas and trample them, so why do you now go about fishing your past and taking inventory of them? Continue reading Daily Wisdom

Break Through Your Success Barriers

BREAK THROUGH YOUR SUCCESS BARRIERS.jpgDo you find yourself wondering why you often work so hard, and honestly go after your dreams yet at each move, you are held back by some obstacle or barrier, while others who don’t seem to be even as smarter or as skilled as you are advancing ahead of you?

In every walk of life, you find people struggling to succeed, people who honestly deserve the best of life, yet they are being held back by various obstacles and barriers, their efforts wasted and their lives frustrated.

But what if I told you there is a proven system for you to consistently break those barriers and achieve the results you yearn for, will you go for it? You see, everyone you know that has achieved success in their lives, had faced obstacles and challenges on their path, but they had found a way of removing those obstacles to achieve their success. Continue reading Break Through Your Success Barriers

Daily Wisdom

Don’t put off being happy today until tomorrow, or until you have certain goals or success, because while you will be happy when your goals, or dreams have been realized, you will discover that the happiness is only momentarily, and then you are off again to seeking further sources of happiness.

Daily Wisdom

These words, though simple, have profound powers and results in them; “THANK YOU!” Learn to use them on everyone, for everything no matter how small or insignificant it may be. A lot of us are so blinded by our need for more, that we cannot see the many miracles in lives every day. If we all could spend sometime today doing some stock taking of the many, many things we have that have been made possible by God, maybe, just maybe we will say THANK YOU LORD.

Daily Wisdom

No matter what it is you are going through; a divorce, breakup, loss of job, sickness, business failure, delays, lack of education, poverty, etc, you can reach into that pain or challenge and pick out the lessons. Your life may not look pretty at the moment, but it is exactly what you need to learn for you to grow into the person you have been destined to become.

Daily Wisdom

If you have suffered more than your fair share of difficulties in life, perhaps you are being prepared to serve some greater purpose that will require you to be equipped with the wisdom you have acquired through your trials. Difficulties call out great qualities and make greatness possible. “When God wants to educate a man, he does not send them to school to the graces, but to the necessities.”

Daily Wisdom

It’s really easy for you to give up, to be beaten, to whine and rail against the world, and say you haven’t got a chance when life hands you lemons, when every step you take towards your goal and dreams is fraught with challenges and set-backs. However, remember the words the words of Saint Paul, “And we know all things work together for good for them that love Go…”

Every event has the power to add to your life, and will add to your life, if you make the best use of what it has to give; this will constantly increase the power of your life, which will bring you into greater heights and better opportunities than you ever knew before. Make the best use of everything that comes your way. All things can be turned to good no matter how bad they appear.

Daily Wisdom

We are greatly influenced whether we like it or not by those closest to us. They affect our ways of thinking, our self esteem, and the decisions we make in life. Really take a look at your relationships, the people you are involved with, the people you communicate with most of the time and ask yourself, what am I becoming because of this relationship? Does it inspire me? Am I motivated? Am I encouraged and driven to develop myself? Am I seeking my own greatness? What kind of person am I becoming because of these relationships? Am I becoming more cynical and negative about life?

Make the choice today about who you want to continue spending your time with. If you want to be successful, mix with people who have achieved higher success than you dream of. Make friends with people who are more knowledgeable than you, people who can help you develop in areas where you are lacking. Associate only with those whose minds are worth measuring your own against.

Daily Wisdom

“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,” 2 Corinthians 4:17

All your negative life situations and challenges are essential for you to fulfill your destiny, but unless you possess the power of endurance to live through the dark of the night, you will never see the break of the day, nor access the success and beautiful life uou desire.

There is a great reward waiting ahead for you, but this reward has a price you must pay; you must learn to endure the present with its setbacks, challenges, failures, misunderstanding etc. This is the true path to success.