Category Archives: Greatness

Low Aspirations Lead to a Low Life!

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It is easy to find too many people complaining about a lack of resources, lack of opportunities to make money and become rich in life. Folks like that are always looking for help outside of themselves. They think out there, is where the inspiration and solution lies, but as John Milton tells us, “There is nothing that makes men rich and strong but that which they carry inside of them. Wealth is of the heart, not of the hand.” We can go a step further and say that wealth of the heart rightly expressed will ensure physical wealth.

The secret of all great folks is found in their vision hours. They create time intentionally to dream and visualize their desires. God told Abraham in the Bible, to visualize and dream about his future, and how big or small his vision will determine what God will grant him. I notice that too many people don’t have any vision for their lives, they don’t dream, they are just reality focused.

I remember visiting a resort, owned by a very wealthy individual. I had heard so much about the place and the owner but never met him. So during that trip, I decided to spend time in the resort’s chapel. On entering there, I was surprised to see an old man in his 80s already in there meditating and writing down his thoughts in a journal so early in the morning. Continue reading Low Aspirations Lead to a Low Life!

You Do An Important Work!

Jets-Dolphin game, Nov 2009 - 019
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What is the most important reward you get for the work you do? Is the money, the fame, the spotlight, the huge following? As for me, while the money I get helps me keep doing living my mission and meeting my personal needs. The ultimate reward I get is the joy I derive in serving others; in being able to put a smile on someone’s face, in being able to inspire another soul to reach for their greatness through my videos, my books, my podcasts or this blog.

We are all called to do different things for God folks. You see not all of us can follow the path that leads like the Indian’s trail from mountain peak to mountain peak. Many of us walk through lowlands, unseen, and unheard of. Not many of us will have the huge followers, and grace the front pages of leading magazines, but maybe it will only be our families and communities that recognize the work we do. But folks, whatever you have been called to do, just keep doing it faithfully because we are all working for the Master.

While you may not be honoured and appreciated for the work you do, while you may be constantly criticised, and bashed by internet trolls, and other people who don’t understand your part, if you stay faithful to God and the work you do, you will have an unseen Friend in God always beside you. Continue reading You Do An Important Work!

It’s Not Too Late To Have A Great Year

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It’s November, just two months to the end of this year. While people who may not have hit their goals for the year may be exasperated that the year is running too fast, I am holding on to God’s word that says, “better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof”

No matter where you are on your goals for the year, just remember that it is over yet, and you can still crown this year with success. But for this to happen, you must get up each day to begin to turn things up. You see the greatest obstacle to success in life is just sitting by and trusting that something will turn up instead of going to work and turning things up.

Today too many people are relying on chance, horoscope, or luck rather than on certainties. This mindset as slowly crept into our churches, where we find Christian faithful who wouldn’t put God’s word to work by taking the steps to bring their dreams to reality, instead they wait for things to be miraculously provided for them.

Now I am not against trusting and relying in God, by all means we should. But we must proof our trust by going out to our part. God provides for the birds and animals, how much more us. But then observe the birds and animals, and you will realize that no bird or animal sits back in its nest, hole, or den, and wait for food to be provided. They instead go out, to find God’s provision. Continue reading It’s Not Too Late To Have A Great Year

How to Move Away From Mediocrity

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I had an interaction with someone recently, and when I asked him why he had to indulge in some of the things he was into, he responded that he was enjoying his youth now that he is still long because that phase won’t last long.

Thinking about what he said, I realized just how many people, both young and old have this view – wasting their lives and term it “enjoyment” or “pleasure” or “flexing.” The truth is if you live right and constantly improve yourself, you will enjoy life every day as long as you live.

That people, especially young people should waste their time on cheap and senseless pleasure, and that old people should live a dejected and uninteresting life is an idea that doesn’t belong in this age of information and technology advancement.

Strive to use your time well while you are young and you will stay young, and better more, you will become something and someone of impact in our world. The question you should ask is not whether you shouldn’t enjoy yourself, rather ask yourself whether it is okay to remain in mediocrity, with nothing but common pleasures, when it is possible for you to live your greatest life and have the best of what your world can offer. Continue reading How to Move Away From Mediocrity

Whose Permission Do You Need To thrive?

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It amazes how many people are not doing things based on the opinions of others. Too many of us are not pursuing our dreams because others have told us we couldn’t.
Often I have come to realize that these folks telling you you shouldn’t do this or that, because you can’t, or you are not qualified, are doing this based on fear, envy, their failure, and small size thinking.
If I asked for the opinion of others including my family, I won’t be married today, nor will I be doing what I am doing. Folks it’s not every one who loves you that mean well for you, not because they hate you, but because they don’t have your vision.
Everyone interprets life based on the size of their vision. if your vision is small, all you can see is the impossibilities; the many reasons, why can’t study a particular course, why you can’t get married, why you can’t start your own business, why you can’t leave a political party, why you can’t relocate etc.
You see, no one knows what is the best for you except God and you. Too many times I have seen people make the choice of marriage based on the thinking of their parents only to enter into it live in regret. I have seen people take up jobs they didn’t in because of what the society thinks. I have seen people run to drugs and alcohol to make them forget the mistake of the choices they made, based on the influences of others.

Continue reading Whose Permission Do You Need To thrive?

You Have Been Called to Greatness

Each one of us is called to greatness. Greatness was the first charge given to you and I during creation; to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion… each one of us has the power within us.

Unfortunately most of us haven’t allowed our power to grow within us, because we don’t use it. Folks everything gets run down as a result of disuse. When a building isn’t occupied after a long period, it becomes dilapidated. When a car is parked un-driven uncared for, it becomes rusty.

Has your inner power gone rusty? Come on, you have what it takes to make significant impact on the world around you if you choose to. One of the biggest causes of limitation in life is a lack of belief in oneself. Its easy to find people hail others, look up to others, think highly about others, rever others, but themselves? They just can’t see themselves achieving anything significant yet they can they should.

Next time you find yourself envying the success of others, ask yourself why not me? That’s all it takes; why not me being in the movie? Why not me having a business? Why not me giving that speech? Why not me receiving the applause? Why not me employing others? Why not me giving to others? Ask yourself why not me and go for it. That all it takes!

You have what it takes! The best among us are not more gifted than the rest of us. They just get up and take little steps every day and move toward their dreams, and before you know it, they have arrived and we celebrate them. Folks all it takes is the resolve to take those little steps too. And one day you will wake up seeing your name in the lights!

Go for it folks. Go be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth and have dominion around you!

Daily Wisdom: If it is to be, it is up to you


Your present and future welfare depends mainly on yourself. Do not look outside for help. Most people rely too much on what others can do for them instead of looking inward first to tap on the internal powers within them.

Do not assume that the influence of others would enable you to accomplish more or do better, if you are not willing to do your own part. Realize that you have within you, all the powers, ability, energy, and resources for building a highly successful life.

There is something in you, a unique ability that others don’t have, and it is your profound duty to discover, develop and use it. Remember the parable of the talents? Just like that ungrateful servant in that parable, you must realize that it isn’t how many talents you have, but what practical use are you making with your one talent.

Stop comparing your life with others and wishing you could have the talents and gifts they have. Instead begin today to make good use of what you have. Whatever is possible for others is also possible for you if you determine make the best of your gifts and opportunities.

Let this inspiring thought give strength and purpose to your life, and ultimately lead you to your rightful position in this world.

Daily Wisdom

Why are we so quick to judge, condemn, criticize, or attack others? When it comes to other people, we often become so intolerable of their mistakes and failings, while we are so gentle and slow in judging ourselves.

How good it will be if we can reverse the situation, if we can learn to be quick and very critical in judging ourselves, and gentle and slow in judging and criticizing our neighbours. The late Dr. Wayne Dyer, once said, if you have a choice to be kind or be right when dealing with others, choose to be kind.

Try to show a little kindness today and see what difference it will make in the lives of others and you too. Become more tolerable, more forgiving and less critical of others around you. And remember this message from our Lord, “If thy hand offend thee, cut it off,” is a word for our sins; for the sins of others, “Father, forgive them.”

What are You Living For? What are You Working For?


Each time I tell someone I left my paid job to help others succeed in spite of their setbacks, and help young people find meaning in their lives, I get this look on their faces that says “you are crazy” and some of them actually voice it out and ask me what I was thinking, and how will what I am doing pay me. In fact a journalist who was interviewing me had to ask me if this mission of mine actually puts food on my table.

In a country like mine where there are very few jobs; and where working in the sector where I was is a dream of almost half  of our population, people think those of us who dare quit are stupid, and wasted the slots of others. When we talk of work the first thing that enters people’s mind is how much money will come to me at the end of the end? Nobody ever wants to work for free, or do some form of humanitarian service today. Even most of the non-profits around here are in just because of the money coming in from donors and foreign aids. “It’s really about the Benjamin” here.

Money is good, in fact I need lots of money for my voice to heard and my message to reach the young people who really need to hear my story. But I don’t live for nor work for money, instead I live for a great purpose, and every day I hold central idea of my purpose constantly in my mind, so that I am always reminded why I am alive; especially in the days when things seem to be going against me and the pressures and struggles appear so real. Continue reading What are You Living For? What are You Working For?