Tag Archives: Happiness

How To Have An Unhappy Life

Photo credit: flickr.com

Unhappiness comes when we put our hopes and trust in our fellow humans instead of putting them on God and ourselves. When we are able to eradicate this need of others and begin to believe that our lives direction is determined by God and our own efforts, we will see how happy we become despite the circumstances we find ourselves.

I can tell you this because I have been a victim of this. There were times, a few years ago when I blamed my family for my situation. I felt unloved and held bitterness in my heart, and the result was my lack of progress.

You see the fact is, you can never move forward when you are dwelling in the past when you are heavily laden with burdens because the mind needs to be totally free for it to think clearly.

A couple of weeks back I met a lady who still blamed her situation on a failed relationship of 5 years back. She went on lamenting and blaming the guy for being responsible for her still being single because he left her for another. The guy is obviously not aware of this and had moved on from then to start his own family, yet she was still stuck in that chapter of her life. Continue reading How To Have An Unhappy Life

25 Thoughts That Will Get You Happy Now!

Photo Credit: flickr.com
  1. Acquire the habit of expecting success, of believing in happiness. Nothing succeeds like success; nothing makes happiness like happiness.
  2. So long as you retain your happiness you will retain all your power; and all the power that is in you is sufficient to overcome every obstacle, conquer every adversity and turn every circumstance to good account.
  3. The cheerful person makes a cheerful world.
  4. Happiness is a very beautiful thing,—the most beautiful and heavenly thing in the world,—but it is a result, a spiritual condition, and is not predetermined by your bank account or by the flattering incense of praise.
  5. To live, we must conquer incessantly; we must have the courage to be happy.
  6. To make much of little, to find reasons of interest in common things, to develop a sensibility to mild enjoyments, to inspire the imagination, to throw a charm upon homely and familiar things, will constitute a man master of his own happiness.
  7. The best way to secure future happiness is to be as happy as is rightfully possible today.
  8. Diamonds of shining joy lie glittering in every way we pass daily, but most of the passers-by only stub their toes against them.
  9. “Mental sunshine not only attracts the best from without, but it also causes the best to grow from within. We all prefer the sunshine, and we are naturally attracted wherever a sunbeam is in evidence.”
  10. If you feel cheerful and happy, it is very natural for you to laugh. And if you will laugh a little, you will begin to feel bright and cheerful.
  11. Probably the most lasting source of happiness is found in unselfish love. This keeps alive a constant interest in those who are the objects of affection, which, in turn, is naturally reflected into the relations of life.
  12. Few of us appreciate the number of our everyday blessings; we think they are little things, and yet little things are what life is made of.
  13. A serene face helps to make a serene soul; a smile on the lips induces a smile in the heart.
  14. If one would be happy, let him forget himself and go about making someone else happy.
  15. Look steadily on the bright side of life. Cultivate the grace of a good hope. Imitate the fine optimism of those of whom it is said that they can see stars where others saw only an unbroken expanse of cloud.
  16. Happiness is the result of God’s will for us, and not of our will for ourselves; and so we can only find it by giving our lives up, in submission and obedience, to the control of God.
  17. To believe and go forward is the key to success and to happiness.
  18. They who minister to their neighbours exercise one of the normal human functions, and enter thereby into the joy of a larger life.
  19. Write it in your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
  20. The first step toward happiness is to determine to be happy.
  21. If a man is unhappy, this must be his own fault; for God made all men to be happy.
  22. Happiness is discovered in many unsuspected places.
  23. Joy is not in things, it is in us, and I hold to the belief that the causes of our present unrest, of this contagious discontent spreading everywhere, are in us at least as much as in exterior conditions.
  24. Happy is that person who feels that God cares for him, that he journeys forward under divine convoy, that his Father is regent of universal wisdom, and represents the whole commonwealth of love, who is all Nature, and who commands all Nature to serve His child.
  25. It is no use to grumble and complain; It’s just as cheap and easy to rejoice

Daily Wisdom: Happiness Is Not In What You Seek

What do you want in life? Most people want the same things. Financial security; health; a lover; feeling fulfilled, safe, secure; etc. When you really think about all the things you want and then ask why you want them…you will end up with wanting joy, happiness, peace, contentment and a feeling of deep love, appreciation, and being totally 100% accepted.

The truth is we all want positive emotions and to feel good/blissful/happy all the time, and so we think that having some things or conditions will give us these feelings/emotions we so deeply seek. They do not. So, how do you get all the things in life you want and the positive feelings/emotions that are the root of all our desires?

While many books, teachings and courses, seem to offer formulas and secrets to happiness on earth, whatever they offer isn’t lasting. You too may have had the experience of investing some money into a program and book only to realize the old feelings of frustration and emptiness found their way back after a while. Continue reading Daily Wisdom: Happiness Is Not In What You Seek

Daily Wisdom: Happiness Comes From Within


Nothing “out there” or external will make you happy and feel secure, but it sure appears or seems that way! Happiness and security is ultimately a choice, and comes 100% from within. It appears that attaining things brings you a feeling of security and happiness. Things like money, success, a car, a vacation, a lover or relationship, another person, a good job or boss or business, etc.

It seems when you attain or acquire your desires, when things are going well or good, you feel happy and secure, and when you lose these things; your lover leaves you or you lose your job or all your money, you feel sad and have fear to some degree.

When you realize that you can actually be happy and feel secure anytime, anyplace and regardless of the conditions or situation, spiritual goals become a prime focus instead of trying to attain material possessions or get something.

Set a standard to take 100% responsibility of your life and happiness and seek the spiritual and the things of God. When you do this, the results are you are happier than ever in your life and feel more secure than ever and you do get all the things you want anyway! Continue reading Daily Wisdom: Happiness Comes From Within

Daily Wisdom

Don’t put off being happy today until tomorrow, or until you have certain goals or success, because while you will be happy when your goals, or dreams have been realized, you will discover that the happiness is only momentarily, and then you are off again to seeking further sources of happiness.

Be Positive, Be Happy

Photo Credit: flickr.com
Photo Credit: flickr.com

Be positive. Be happy. Feel good now. It is easy to feel good when things go as you “think” they should go. The miracle happens when we feel good when things appear to be bad. The bible says, all things work together for good for them that love God. When things appear to be bad, when decisions are taken against us, when our expectations do not materialize etc, the natural tendency is for us to feel bad, but that is really when we need to rejoice knowing that though we may not know how, the situation will turn around to be a blessing in the future.

This is the way I am conditioning my life to be. Recently unexpected things have happened that should steal my joy naturally but with this new mindset of feeling good no matter the circumstance I am positive that in every adversity is a seed for my benefit. The bigger the adversity/challenge/problem the bigger the seed for an even bigger opportunity for me. Continue reading Be Positive, Be Happy

The Way to Bliss

Photo Credit: violetblues.com
Photo Credit: violetblues.com

There was a time I used to think that there were things in life I need to have to make my life complete. Back then I would look at people who have those things and imagine how happy they were, and wondered when I will get to that level and how happy I will become. but as God began to bless me with some of the things I desired, I found out that my possession of those things didn’t bring all the happiness and bliss I thought they had in them. of course I was happy, but my happiness was only momentarily.

Unfortunately today many people still think this way; they think that if they have those things they want, they will be happy and fulfilled in life which isn’t true because even if you have everything on your wish list; money, love, power, friends, perfect health and body etc, within a short period of time you will still become unfulfilled and unhappy. You will still be looking outside again for something more or better.

The secret to finding true joy and bliss has been given to us but many of us fail to realize it because it is quite simple. The secret if found in Matthew 6:23 in the Bible: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” You can’t find joy and happiness by going after material possessions but by seeking for God’s kingdom and living right. Only then will you see that you have happiness inside you. Continue reading The Way to Bliss

Be Happy Now!

Naturally when things are good with us; our businesses are yielding profits; our health is great; our relationships are good; everything around seem to be doing exceedingly well, most of us tend to be in our best moods; we give more; we love more; we laugh more; we worship God more and so on.

The moments things start to slide; when we experience losses in our business; when our relationships are experiencing some challenges; and everything that seemed good start turning a bit bad, our moods turn alongside them. Some of us won’t worship God anymore, we don’t laugh anymore we find faults easily and push our friends away.

Unfortunately this kind of habit is what has been holding us back and hindering our blessings. All truly great people know that to continue to get the blessings and get the most from life, one has to live in a constant state of gratitude and happiness in spite of what is happening around us.

Friends every life experiences challenges and the down side once in a while, some people experience misfortune more than once, but the key to rising victoriously from our setbacks is to practice and make a habit of these words from Habakkuk: Continue reading Be Happy Now!

Let’s Rejoice Today!

One of the greatest kings in history shared his secret of having a successful day when he wrote, “This is the day that the LORD has made; let’s rejoice and be glad in it. He deliberately finds reasons to be happy no matter what happens during the day.”

Friends we need to recognize that each day is a gift from God, and while the day maybe rough, full of challenges, disappointments, setbacks and pains, we must learn to never allow the pains, challenges and disappointments we encounter to poison our attitude towards life.

No one ever wins or succeed when they are gloomy, filled with sadness, and self-pity. The look on your face determines the people that come to your life. People run away from angry and sad looking people. No matter what you are facing, learn to wear a face of happiness, sunshine, and joy, you will be surprised at how many people you will attract to your life, and eventually change your situation, because in this life no one succeeds on their own. You need people to succeed. Continue reading Let’s Rejoice Today!