Tag Archives: Improvement

Repost: How Much are You Worth?


We all desire the good things of life; better pay, promotions in our offices, vacation to beautiful islands, retire rich and so on. Desiring something is not bad, but how much are you worth?
The truth is you have tremendous potentials, you are much more than meet the eyes, you are unique, you are talented, you are educated, you have a good attitude, but in today’s environment, a good attitude is often assumed , talent is in abundant supply, and a college degree is just your ticket of entry into a job.

To be successful, we need to keep improving ourselves. We obtain valuable skills of living and success through knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is one of the great ways to break the shackles of a limiting environment. No matter how grim your world is, if you can read about the accomplishments of others, you can create the beliefs that will allow you to succeed. There is power in books. In this innovative times where you have practically any information in your hand held devices and on the go, anyone who is ignorant has only his or herself to blame. Knowledge is the ladder that enables us climb to the top and grab the life of our dreams.

Most of us would not spend time to improve upon what we know, maybe all we know about our jobs is what was taught us in college or high school. We feign excuses, using our jobs, spouses, kids and whatever else we can make up as the reasons we are not improving our lives. Do not be trapped in a rut by obsolete knowledge. “Obsolete knowledge is more damaging than ignorance for with ignorance we simply do not know something and it is easier to ask questions and learn. When we are sure of erroneous data we aren’t even motivated to look for new information, we just cruise merrily along a dead end path.”- Daniel D. Elash PhD.

Make a commitment today to improve your- self worth. Become more valuable. “Reading just fifteen minutes a day will enable you to read one half a book a week, two a month, twenty four a year, over one thousand books in fifty years.” “…I Daniel understood by books…” (Daniel 9:2) “All of you are perfect just as you are and you could use a little improvement”- Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi (1905-1971).

“In today’s environment you do not hold to a job, you prepare yourself for a wide range of opportunities. The person who welcomes change and continuous learning leads a dynamic life, while those who back away from it or fear it, find themselves on the human scrap heap. You either expand or you become expendable”. – Les Brown.




You Have Tremendous Value

“A poor woman rummaged the back shelves of a rundown country store searching for something she could use as a paperweight. After finding a beautiful piece of burl wood, she approached the owner and asked its price.

“Let me see”, the owner replied, placing the piece of wood on the counter. “Well, it’s nearly a pound. I guess that will be a dollar.”

When the woman handed him the dollar, the owner said, “Isn’t it funny – that small piece of wood is only worth a dollar. But just think, if you carved it into a chess piece that worthless piece of wood would be worth ten times as much! As a matter of fact,” he added, “If that same piece of wood were made into a carved jewellery box, its value would increase another tenfold.”

But most important, he said, if you took this piece of wood and created a holy cross, the type used by a minister of a church, why ma’am, your worthless paperweight would indeed be priceless.” Continue reading You Have Tremendous Value


1- Successful people focus on continuous self improvement
2- They have an open mind and are very flexible
3- They dream big dreams
4- They have a clear sense of direction
5- They set goals and write them down
6- Successful people are unique; they don’t follow the crowd
7- They associate with the right people
8- They always ask for help
9- They are focused; and do one thing at a time
10- Successful people are very optimistic
11- They believe in themselves
12- They have strong personal values
13- They are dedicated to serving others
14- They are always the first to give
15- Successful people do what they love
16- They believe in paying the price in advance
17- They take risks
18- They accept full responsibility when things go wrong
19- They never despair at failure
20- Successful people fall but they never stay down
21- They make decisions fast
22- They live with a sense of urgency
A lot of us may agree with these qualities after reading them, but agreeing isn’t enough. What makes the difference is acquiring these qualities and turning them into habits.